Having merged the two companies HAP GmbH Dresden and Roth & Rau – Ortner GmbH under the name Fabmatics on 1 September 2016, the two workforces, which were still at separate sites up to now, will now join together under one roof.

We will be moving into our new home at the Micropolis industrial park in the north of Dresden from 12 to 16 December 2016. It is there that Fabmatics GmbH will work on development and manufacturing in an office and production area of approx 3,500 m2 with its own clean room. We have sufficient extension options available to prepare us for the future and to enable further growth. Our new headquarters are just a few minutes away from Dresden airport and the A4 motorway (exit Dresden-Flughafen (airport)).

Please note that our telephone and fax numbers will change in addition to our address.

From 19 December 2016 we can be reached using the following contact details :

Fabmatics GmbH
Zur Steinhöhe 1
01109 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 65237-0
Fax: +49 351 65237-190
Email: info@fabmatics.com

For goods deliveries:
Please note the delivery address specified in our purchase orders! We will still be using the delivery address agreed with you for a little while longer.

Your personal contact at Fabmatics GmbH can be reached via email using the format firstname.surname@fabmatics.com. Your contact will inform you of their extension number after the move. From 19 December all current telephone numbers will be redirected to the new numbers for a little while.

We appreciate your understanding that we will only be reachable to a limited extent from 9 to 16 December and will only be able to process urgent enquiries. During the week of the move, it is best to get in touch with your contact partner using their mobile number or email.

After an exciting year, the end of this year will also be very exciting for us. They say that Christmas is the time of coming home and for our staff, this has a very special meaning. We are looking forward to settling into our new Fabmatics home and starting 2017 together. We will be very happy to welcome you personally to our new premises then.