Networking matters: Review of the 19th Innovation Forum for Automation
After two years of following the pandemic way of life, we are back to business with the Innovation Forum for Automation. And what a blast this “summer edition” was!
More than 200 international participants finally gathered again on June 30rd and July 1st in Dresden. Traditionally this event is all about the networking and exchange of experience of experts from the semiconductor and electronics industry from all over the world. This tradition was seamlessly continued. However, since the last two years have taught us a lot about digital events, there was of course a live stream available for all automation experts who couldn’t be there in person.
With more than 11 presentations, including an expert panel to round up the event, it was a great catch up to the topics that drive semiconductor’s industry these days.
The range of topics covered general perspectives on the current market situation and how COVID 19 and the following chip shortage put a focus on automation. We highlighted innovative ideas and approaches like the research and the development that is done around human-robots interaction in production or bridging the gap between IIoT tools like sensors and the special requirements in a wafer fab. Hence, the agenda of this year’s Innovation Forum did exactly what it should: provide high value input from experts, inspire, give a new perspective on or even question what we do every day. The perfect mixture to learn and grow.
Innovation award for X-FabGroup
This year’s award honors a manufacturer in semiconductors with a lot of persistence. X-Fab Group tackles the challenge of digitalization and automation of their fabs in such a structured and consequent way, that we can’t help but bow deeply to Ulrike Sampermans and her team. A well-deserved Innovation award was handed over and celebrated to an obviously surprised Miss Sampermans during our evening event. On day two of the conference, her colleague Richard Walter gave us deeper insights in the details of this stunning project.

The first day of the forum was finished by a marvelous sunset boat trip on the river Elbe, where guests had the opportunity to socialize, hold inspiring talks, and to celebrate this year’s award winner in a pleasing environment.
Visit the event website for more impressions of the event
Please mark your calendars for the 20th. Innovation Forum for Automation, which is already in the making! From January 26 – 27, 2023 we will celebrate this milestone birthday in Dresden.
About the Innovation Forum
This annual conference has been organized by the Automation Network Dresden (AND) from Germany since 2004. Its member companies (Kontron AIS, SYSTEMA, XENON and Fabmatics) are dedicated to bringing you the latest insights into significant factory-automation projects as well as new automation technologies spanning various industries with a focus on semiconductor.
The 2-day-event provides a platform for international executives, managers, engineers, and researchers to dive into the latest factory automation technology developments, challenges, and solutions. In addition to professional knowledge gain, it also offers an intimate, friendly, and open-minded space for networking and fruitful exchange amongst other automation enthusiasts.
To honor the drivers for innovation, each year, we select one project for the ‘Innovation Award for Automation’. The winners will be announced and celebrated during our popular evening event.